It will be useful for beginners to consult this section to familiarise themselves with the commands and icons used in the Help tutorial. As with many other programs Secure Notes Organizer allows you to execute the same command from different places. Getting to know the many locations of these commands will help you use the program a lot faster
File menu commands
New opens a new document
Open opens an existing document
Reload reloads an open document
Save saves an open file
Close closes an open document
Security Settings calls the window for Soft and Hard Protection
Change Password calls the window for resetting your password
Print Preview previews a selected document or text area
Print calls the window for print command and associated details
Print Settings repeats the above window
Exit closes the program
Edit menu commands
These are standard text editor commands to be used while working on your data
Cut removes selected text to the clipboard to be pasted again at the
appropriate place
Copy copies selected text to the clipboard, leaving the original text
Paste removes selected text from the clipboard and pastes it in the text area
marked by the cursor
Special Paste removes selected text from the clipboard and enables pasting
without existing formatting
Select all selects the entire text area of open document
Global Find facilitates searching of data whose precise location you do
not know
Find again repeats search for the same instance of the searched data
Replace enables global replacement of strings
Object calls window for inserting an object into the document
Paste current date inserts the date into the auto-calendar document
View menu commands
Format menu commands
These are standard text formatting commands.
Font calls window for Font settings
Bold makes selected text bold. Selecting bold again reverts text to normal font
Italic makes selected text italic. Select italic again reverts text to non-italicized text
Underline underlines selected text
Decrease font size
Increase font size
Paragraph paragraph settings
Left aligns selected text to the left
Center centres selected text
Right aligns selected text to the right
Register enables macro settings for upper and lower case text
Bullets inserts bullets to the left of text to be highlighted
Restore Default font Changes font settings back to default
Insert menu commands
Date and time inserts date and time into open document
Symbol inserts special symbols into text
Object enables insertion of external objects into the open document
Image enables insertion of image files into the open document
Folders menu commands
These commands help you navigate in the folder area of the program and to alter the
structure of your existing documents
Next Folder selects next folder
Previous Folder selects previous folder
New Folder creates new folder
Rename Folder renames selected folder
Delete Folder removes folder
Move up moves up selected branch
Move Down moves down selected branch
Move Left moves left selected branch
Move Right moves right selected branch
New branch creates new branch
New sub-branch creates a child of current branch
Delete leaf of tree removes selected branch with all child leaves
Rename branch or mini-document
New mini-document
Delete mini-document
Insert current date into auto-calendar creates current Year, Month, Day
branches in autocalendar folder
Actions menu commands
Protect document via Soft Protection enables Soft Protection of
open document
Protect document via Hard Protection enables Hard Protection of
open document
Minimize me minimizes program to tray
Registration calls the dialogue window for entering your registration
Check for newer version launches your browser and takes you to the
SecureAction website to check for the latest version of Secure Notes Organizer
Change Language enables a change to any of the supported languages
Configure menu commands
These commands help you configure the program to start up, look
and run in the ways in which you specify.
Fonts enables you to decide how your text should look
while Appearance enables you to decide how your program
window should look. Start up, Saving and Confirmations enable
to make the settings for actions the program should perform
when starting up, saving, deleting and exiting.
Tools menu commands
Encryptor calls the window to perform encryption and decryption
of selected files
Shredder calls the window to completely destroy selected files
Show statistics calls the window that displays document and
security statistics